丹尼尔Sigvardsson, Designer in 旧金山,加州,美国
Daniel is available for hire
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验证专家  in Design



作为一个屡获殊荣的多学科设计师, Daniel is passionate about helping startups create a strong 品牌标识 and visualize solutions to complex problems. He collaborates closely with clients to identify and develop the assets needed to launch and grow their businesses. 专注于让你的事业成功, 丹尼尔带来了品牌战略方面的专业知识, identity, 内容策略, 用户体验, 视觉设计, 产品设计, 沟通, 以及服务设计.




  • 帮助推动收购, 上市, 成功的发射, and, 在任何情况下, 提供卓越的数码产品, services, 品牌体验.
  • Founded Diverseawareness with a grand vision: to empower select, forward-thinking companies in Silicon Valley and beyond with top-notch, 专门的设计师.
  • 展示了一系列服务, 包括品牌策略, 品牌标识, 内容策略, 用户体验设计, 视觉设计, 产品设计, 通信设计, 服务设计.
  • Showed a deep commitment to true collaboration by working alongside clients to bring their vision to life.
技术:Figma, Notion, Slack, Asana, UX Design, 信息架构(IA), 互动设计师, 标识设计, 品牌设计, 移动网络, Mobile UI, iOS, 界面设计, 网页设计, App UX, App UI, UI Design, 产品设计, 艺术指导, 手机设计


2020 - 2022
  • Revamped meetings to increase efficiency by streamlining access to all necessary information and resources for teams prior to, during, 会议结束后. If a team member misses a meeting, they can easily catch up without disrupting workflow.
  • Oversaw the entire process of design creation and implementation, 包括品牌, product, sales, marketing, 领导设计.
  • Crafted a design system that's scalable and covers all design aspects from branding to the product, ensuring consistency and cohesiveness across various touchpoints.
  • Collaborated with the founders to establish the product vision, and translated it into actionable design strategies and user stories.
技术:Figma, Asana, Slack, Jira, Notion, UX Design, UI Design, 移动网络, 界面设计, 网页设计, App UX, 标识设计, App UI, 产品设计, 品牌设计, 艺术指导, 手机设计


2016 - 2016
  • Focused on research and development for the camera and recording features in iOS. 探索新想法, 创造设计概念, and tested prototypes to enhance the 用户体验 and functionality of these features.
  • Conducted an in-depth analysis of user behavior and researched data pertaining to the camera functions on Twitter and Vine platforms.
  • Delivered clear and actionable recommendations to management stakeholders based on the conclusions drawn from the research and analysis. 试着让藤蔓活下去!
技术:Apple Keynote, Adobe After Effects, Principle, Adobe Photoshop, InVision, 信息架构(IA), 互动设计师, Figma, App UX, App UI, UI Design, UX Design, 产品设计, 品牌设计, 艺术指导, 移动网络, 手机设计


2013 - 2015
  • 管理iOS应用程序的各个方面, ranging from concept development and UX/UI design to service and 业务设计, 以及实现支持.
  • 管理平台的所有设计方面和功能, 覆盖注册, onboarding, recording, editing, 以及协作功能.
  • Presented concepts and drove product direction with both internal stakeholders (Chad Hurley and Steve Chen) and external investors.
  • Recognized on the App Store as among the best new apps and essential for photo and video.
  • Collaborated with Blue Jeans' experts to expand our market presence.
技术:Apple Keynote, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Zeplin, Sketch, InVision, 标识设计, 网页设计, 互动设计师, App UX, App UI, UI Design, UX Design, 产品设计, 品牌设计, 艺术指导, 移动网络, 手机设计


2009 - 2015
  • Served as the co-founder and 产品设计er for both digital and physical products.
  • Offered products in 50 physical stores in both the EU and across the US.
  • Sold wholesale to the following online retailers: Houzz.com, Fab.com, Modcloth.com和uncommoods.com.
  • 特惠于Apartmenttherapy.com, Betterlivingthroughdesign.com, Designspotter.com, HGTV.Com,以及更多.
技术:Adobe Creative Suite, Zeplin, InVision, Sketch, 标识设计, 网页设计, 互动设计师, App UX, UI Design, UX Design, 产品设计, 品牌设计, 艺术指导, 移动网络, 手机设计


2012 - 2014
  • 管理品牌、身份、用户体验和用户界面的各个方面. Took a holistic approach to ensure a consistent and cohesive customer experience across all touchpoints.
  • 监督设计概念的创建, A / B测试, and assets development to ensure a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.
  • 从头到尾设计旗舰iOS应用, 包括概念开发, UX和UI设计, 以及服务和商业设计, 利用我在设计和战略方面的专业知识.
技术:Adobe Creative Suite, Zeplin, InVision, Sketch, 标识设计, 网页设计, 互动设计师, App UX, App UI, UI Design, UX Design, 产品设计, 品牌设计, 艺术指导, 移动网络


2012 - 2012
  • Acted as the lead designer and spearheaded the mobile and tablet UI designs for a nationwide rollout of an educational tool at the University of Phoenix.
  • Developed a fully virtual classroom that prioritized learning outcomes, 高质量的课程材料, 培养终身联系.
  • Designed and developed "My Campus on My Time" to aid with time management. This innovative tool provided students with a centralized platform to manage their schedules, 作业, 和最后期限.
  • Created an immersive "classroom" that prioritized portability and high-quality education. By leveraging my expertise in instructional design and technology, I developed a cutting-edge learning platform that allowed access anywhere in the world.
  • Harnessed the power of social media to facilitate networking, collaboration, and productivity. 利用各种社交媒体平台, I created a dynamic and interconnected network that allowed for seamless collaboration.
  • Prioritized 沟通 to facilitate student-to-student networking. 实施创新的沟通渠道, such as online discussion forums and virtual study groups.
技术:Adobe Creative Suite, Mobile UI, 手机设计, 网页设计, 互动设计师, App UX, UI Design, UX Design, 产品设计, 艺术指导, 移动网络


2009 - 2012
  • Handled art direction and led the design for several global accounts, 包括Absolut公司, 瑞典军队, Pernod理查德, 和Skanska公司.
  • Provided guidance and mentorship to designers throughout the entire design process, 包括研究, ideation, creation, 和执行.
  • Worked with the senior creative team and contributed to leading new business, pitching, 以及内部的个人成长计划.
  • 执行一系列设计方法, 包括设计思维, 服务设计, 业务设计, 体验设计, 以人为本的设计.
技术:Apple Keynote, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Zeplin, Sketch, InVision, 网页设计, 互动设计师, App UX, 标识设计, App UI, UI Design, UX Design, 产品设计, 品牌设计, 艺术指导, 移动网络, 手机设计


2007 - 2009
  • Art-directed and led the design for multiple global accounts such as Adidas, Procter & Gamble, H&M和立博.
  • Managed and mentored designers through discovery, concepts, design, and implementation.
  • 为客户管理大客户设计演示.
  • 与概念机构合作(180la).com和草莓蛙.com) to ensure creative ownership for digital efforts on shared accounts.
技术:Apple Keynote, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Zeplin, Sketch, InVision, 网页设计, 互动设计师, App UX, 标识设计, App UI, UI Design, UX Design, 产品设计, 品牌设计, 艺术指导, 移动网络, 手机设计


2006 - 2007
Real Pie
  • Art-directed and designed for Universal, Fox, MGM, and Warner.
  • Managed and mentored designers through discovery, concepts, design, and implementation.
  • Presented and pitched concept designs for client key accounts.
  • Worked directly and integrated with special needs clients such as Sasha Cohen (Borat) to create digital assets for Hollywood movie productions.
技术:Apple Keynote, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Zeplin, Sketch, InVision, 网页设计, 互动设计师, App UX, 标识设计, UI Design, UX Design, 产品设计, 品牌设计, 艺术指导, 移动网络, 手机设计
2001 - 2003


American Intercontinental University - Marina del Rey, California

1998 - 2001





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