Jon Thomas, Project Manager in Columbus, OH, United States
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Jon Thomas

Verified Expert  in Project Management

Project Manager

Columbus, OH, United States
Toptal Member Since
May 30, 2018

Jon is an experienced project manager, scrum master, and agile leader of 20 years spread across multiple industries. He has a strong passion for leadership, with significant experience in several delivery methodologies, including Agile, Waterfall, and iterative. 他擅长于需要灵活性和适应性来克服模糊性的项目. 他最近的经验包括敏捷教练和Scrum of Scrum大师,在一个成熟的、蓬勃发展的敏捷转型中.

Project Highlights

Westfield Digital Transformation
Led the re-write of the primary company website, as well as adding portal functionality which expanded customer visibility.
North Central State College - Introduction to Project Management Course
Cardinal Health RFID Implementation


Work Experience

Project Manager 3

2016 - PRESENT
Westfield Insurance
  • 担任数字化转型项目的scrum主管,该项目包括重写主要公司网站和实现客户门户.
  • 指导了许多初级项目经理,并负责教授项目管理原则,并提供持续的领导建议.
  • 为数百名IT员工创建并促进了敏捷意识培训.
  • 领导一个大型评级引擎项目,负责实施一个新的评级优化工具.
  • Managed multi-million dollar projects with teams averaging 20-30 members.

Adjunct Professor

2014 - PRESENT
North Central State College
  • 向正在攻读信息技术副学士学位的本科生讲授项目管理入门.
  • Created the syllabus that explains the curriculum.
  • 指导学生完成项目工作以及切合实际的项目管理期望.
  • 开发课程材料,包括大项目和小的有趣的学习练习.
  • Graded weekly assignments, projects, and essays.

Lead Technical Project Manager

2007 - 2016
  • 担任项目经理,监督多个项目、项目和应用程序.
  • 领导组织范围内的根本原因分析过程,以确定需要改进的关键领域并提出解决方案.
  • 担任新软件工程过程(SEP)的培训师,培训组织内的所有计划经理和应用程序项目经理.
  • 运用SDLC方法管理IT应用开发项目,包括设计, development, testing, and deployment.
  • 在整个软件开发生命周期中监督项目管理的所有阶段,从开始到吸取教训,包括但不限于:需求收集, budget management, resource allocation, design, implementation, and testing.

IT Project Manager

2005 - 2007
Cardinal Health
  • Managed cross-functional teams responsible for IT Infrastructure projects, including hardware implementation, network connectivity, and server management.
  • 促进与高级管理层和项目干系人的阶段门评审.
  • 利用PMI方法准确定义项目需求,并将风险影响降至最低.
  • 国际并购和资产剥离基础设施项目的主要经理.
  • 担任价值1500万美元的政府合规项目的IT项目经理.

Senior Project Manager

1998 - 2004
Qwest Communications
  • Managed local infrastructure and software development projects.
  • Planned, directed, and managed designated revenue generating.
  • Managed the payroll for up to 15 vendors and eighty field installers.
  • 监督6 - 8名直接下属,负责管理全美国的现场安装项目.
  • 撰写和编辑8个标准过程和程序,参与质量审核文件的实施.

Westfield Digital Transformation

Led the re-write of the primary company website, as well as adding portal functionality which expanded customer visibility.

韦斯特菲尔德保险是一家小型保险公司,网站过时,对客户缺乏数字形象. 这项工作是专门为允许Westfield的数字可见性直接与客户交互,并提供额外的计费功能而创建的, policy, and claims management.

Release 1 scope was primarily focused on the company website re-write. The company was in the middle of launching a new brand, 这是新品牌的第一次对外推广,对于准确反映品牌声音至关重要. 这包括广泛的用户体验研究、设计、内容写作、开发和测试.

Release 2 scope centered around the customer portal experience, which included the functionality to view a bill, pay a bill, view claims status, print insurance card, and view policy.

The final aspect of the complexity was the delivery method. 数字化转型是Westfield的第一个正式的敏捷项目. 这包括大量的流程创建、团队适应和执行咨询.

North Central State College - Introduction to Project Management Course


In the fall of 2014, 北中央州立大学正在寻找一门新的课程,向他们的网络专业的学生介绍项目管理, computer information systems, or software development.

The course was built from beginning to end, including finding the appropriate textbooks, building the grading scale, development of the class projects, and finding in-class teaching materials.

The course is taught using 3 primary tools in order:
1. Theory
2. Implementation Examples
3. Practical Application

Over the last 4 years, over 80 students have completed the course.

Cardinal Health RFID Implementation


卡地纳健康公司是《欧博体育app下载》杂志排名前20位的公司之一,在美国各地分销数千种药物. 不幸的是,处方药物可能最终落入坏人之手,甚至产生负面影响. 该公司使用无线射频识别(RFID)来跟踪所有药物, ensuring they were handled and distributed accurately.


The project was successfully managed and delivered on-time and on-budget.

Rating Engine Implementation


韦斯特菲尔德保险公司评级工具的代码最初是在40年前建立的. 公司急需一个新系统,使代理商能够快速收到报价, with new products, and adaptability while quoting company policies.

The "Ratabase" tool was purchased, 该项目包括所有10个自动状态的实现以及向新工具的迁移.


2005 - 2007

Master's Degree in Business Management

Ohio Dominican University - Columbus, Ohio

1999 - 2004

Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration

Ohio Dominican University - Columbus, Ohio


Project Management Professional (PMP)

Project Management Institute (PMI)


Trello, Microsoft Project, Slack, Jira


Agile Project Management, Scrum, Agile, Waterfall Delivery, Iterative Delivery, Lean Project Management, Implementation Project Management, Kanban, XP



Industry Expertise

Insurance, Healthcare, Telecommunications


Web, Scrum Master, Team Mentoring, Project Budget Management, Team Leadership, Project Management, Technical Reports, Agile Coaching, Program Management, IT, Digital, Virtual Work, Project Management Professional (PMP), Technical Program Management, Remote Work, Learning Management System Administration, Coaching, Enterprise Coaching, Consulting, Lean Product Development, Waterfall Methodology

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