Eric Belfer, Port St开发商. 露西,佛罗里达州,美国
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Eric Belfer

Verified Expert  in Engineering

React Developer

Port St. 露西,佛罗里达州,美国
Toptal Member Since
October 6, 2021

埃里克曾在旧金山为多家初创软件公司工作, 主要是在手机应用游戏领域. He moved on to freelancing and helped small and medium-size companies develop client and internal-facing software, create MVPs, 建立并领导他们的技术团队. 他的专长是Ruby on Rails和React. Eric also has a lot of experience setting up software infrastructure on cloud computing services such as AWS, Heroku, Digital Ocean, and Google.


Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Datadog, Heroku, PostgreSQL
React, Angular, Ruby on Rails (RoR), 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Heroku, Next.js...
Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Heroku...




Preferred Environment

Ruby on Rails API, Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Next.js、PostgreSQL、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Heroku、Node.js

The most amazing...

...thing I have developed was a real-time event processing system for a top 30 US mobile gaming app with the data stored in AWS Redshift for analysis.

Work Experience


2021 - 2022
  • Leveraged Datadog to find significant performance issues with many timeouts occurring across the site. 找到原因后, built out dashboard widgets with notifications for developers to monitor after deploying new code.
  • Designed the infrastructure and led the team to develop the new onboarding process to add new brands to HelloAbound.
  • 将我们的图像存储系统从文件栈移到ActiveStorage.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Datadog, Heroku, PostgreSQL


2018 - 2021
  • 在Next上创建了一个电子商务网站.. js并通过Vercel进行部署. I optimized the site to rank high on search engine queries and set up advertising and internal site tracking.
  • 指导创业公司,设置他们的Rails API后端.
  • 跟踪并修复了小创业公司ZaruApp使用Trello作为报告工具的错误.com.
Technologies: React, Angular, Ruby on Rails (RoR), 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Heroku, Next.. js、Amazon DynamoDB、AWS Lambda


2018 - 2021
  • 领导软件团队,为一系列行业开发定制软件.
  • Created an internal tool for workers to evaluate and track variations of agriculture seed data in the field where internet connection is limit or non-existent. The company, HoladaySeed, is based out of California with employees across North America.
  • 大型住宅建筑商的升级和内置功能, Classic Homes, 创建自定义契约的内部Rails系统.
  • Developed an MVP monthly subscription journal website to see if users would be willing to pay a premium to receive local political news that affected their community. 该应用程序是利用Rails和React构建的.
  • Set up a mobile API with Rails for LittleProfessor's customer-facing app to purchase books and track orders. 此外,我还用ActiveAdmin开发了一个管理仪表板来跟踪订单和库存.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Heroku, 敏捷软件开发, ActiveAdmin, APIs, Next.js


2019 - 2020
  • 带领团队为Modine构建内部培训工具, 一家暖气和空调公司.
  • 设置自动部署基础设施以允许持续开发. 该系统由CircleCI进行了自动测试.
  • Tracked timelines of features using Jira to ensure the team would hit our deadlines for estimated completion dates.
Technologies: Next.js, React, Express.. js、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、MongoDB


2017 - 2018
  • Developed an in-house product for processing and storing in-game time-series events on AWS Redshift.
  • Created SQL views, dynamic graphs, and daily reporting tools to show the prospective lifetime monetary value of users from in-game activity. These tools provided analysts a way to deep dive into the data and generate custom reports from curated data.
  • Developed a user retargeting program to do A/B testing for in-game notifications and provide metrics on each user segment over time.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), Redshift, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Amazon EC2, PostgreSQL

Lead Server Engineer

2016 - 2017
  • Built a dynamic back-end server startup and downturn system to react to in-game activity spikes. 我将总体服务器成本提高了35%,并消除了人为因素.
  • 开发和维护用户获取平台,跟踪用户支出, installs, revenue, 以及10多个广告平台上的广告活动的其他指标.
  • Oversaw launches for new version releases for a top 30 mobile game in the US app store.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EC2, AWS ALB

Back-end Developer

2014 - 2016
  • Reduced in-game tournament battles back-end processing time by two times faster by leveraging memcached to cache all types of monsters across the users who entered the tournament, 降低举办比赛的总成本.
  • 使用Jira作为报告工具跟踪和修复bug.
  • Built an API replay script to better test complex mobile game interactions without the need to walk through the game and make interactions. Also, I reduced time spent on back-end development testing before the new version launches by around 40%.
Technologies: 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Ruby on Rails (RoR), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EC2, Memcached

An MVP Rails-based monthly subscription newspaper site that features articles on local political issues. The idea is to see if people would be interested in deep diving into political topics directly related to them and their local community. 该网站的目标是测试用户的吸引力. Therefore, we integrated Optimizely to allow admin users to create various A/B experiments. 这款应用还将每月定期付款与Recurly集成在一起, 支付处理部分与PayPal集成, Apple Payments, and Stripe. Finally, the app users ActiveAdmin to create a simple framework for admin adjustments and reporting on the administrative side.

A Rails-based app is a literature publishing platform driven by the scripts submitted by the community. 作者将部分或完整的手稿发布到该网站, 读者对提交的剧本进行投票, and then the Inkshares publishing team selects the tops scripts to publish in the traditional sense. 我是该项目的后端开发人员之一. 我为网站构建的一个重要功能是搜索功能, 整合了Algolia搜索. 此外,它还允许对所有手稿进行动态提前打字搜索. Another feature that I spearheaded was the payment service which leveraged Stripe to process the payments.

Goodbye to Muck & Weeds!
这款应用是一个使用Next开发的电子商务网站.js和一个连接到DynamoDB的AWS Lambda API后端. Vercel用于进行应用程序部署. 该应用是100%的服务器端渲染,这利用了Vercel的CDN. 该应用程序有一个利用Cosmic JS的博客, a headless CMS, to allow new blog pages to be added monthly by the owner to improve Google site rankings. 该应用程序还有多个URL端点,为欧洲和美国的客户提供服务. 北美定价, shipping, catalog of products, 这两个地区的语言也不同. I was the lead developer and worked with the design team to bring the app from an idea to production. The app is simple but leverages various advanced technologies to create a fast and robust site.

Toptal Node.js Accelerator

The Node.js Accelerator is an exclusive learning program that educates JavaScript and back-end developers in Node.js、ExpressJs、NestJS和TypeScript. 这是一个为期两个月的项目,包括严格的学习练习, 由中小企业主持的现场讲座, 实践活动以及严格的评估过程, 全面的评估, and an incremental project where participants implement a couple of Microservices (REST APIs) using Express.js and Nest.js. The incremental project simulates an eCommerce application consisting of two services, i.e., a user service to implement the authentication with user management and a product-catalog service that offers functionalities to manage inventory.
2010 - 2014




Toptal Node.js加速器毕业生

Toptal, LLC


SQL, JavaScript, TypeScript


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby on Rails 4, Next.js,顺风CSS, Angular, Express.js, NestJS


Ruby on Rails API, React, Node.js, Stripe, Cosmic JS




Heroku,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), AWS Lambda,亚马逊EC2, AWS ALB


PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon DynamoDB, Redshift, MongoDB, Memcached, Datadog




Recurly, Optimizely



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