Lev Yastrebov, Developer in Antalya, Turkey
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Lev Yastrebov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

.NET Developer

Antalya, Turkey
Toptal Member Since
April 29, 2020

Lev is an accomplished C# and .NET developer who leverages test-driven development, static analysis, and in-depth knowledge of technologies to solve business tasks with effective, robust, and clean code. Lev has strong abstract thinking abilities, which he applies to develop anything from complex algorithms to web apps, frameworks, and APIs.


.NET Core, Moq, xUnit, Design Patterns, Matrix Algebra, Computational Geometry...
Freelance Client
C#, C#.NET, .NET, Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Matrix Algebra...
Wärtsilä Voyage (formerly Transas)
SQL, .NET, Python, OpenGL, xUnit, TypeScript, JavaScript...




Preferred Environment

.NET, Visual Studio 2022

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Freelance Software Engineer

2020 - PRESENT
  • Provided ongoing services as a remote developer for Toptal clients using C#, .NET, and algorithms.
  • Designed architecture and implemented various applications, from spatial data processing algorithms to sophisticated enterprise applications.
  • 实现的自动化测试:单元测试、集成测试、功能测试和自动化UI测试.
  • 探索最有效的技术和设计理念,以实现客户的业务需求和目标.
  • Reported status updates and plans daily to appropriate audiences.
Technologies: .NET Core, Moq, xUnit, Design Patterns, Matrix Algebra, Computational Geometry, Geometry, Algorithms, SQL, APIs, C#, .NET, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Agile, Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, Visual Studio, RESTful Web Services, Test-driven Development (TDD), Visual Studio Code (VS Code), WireMock, Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns, Relational Databases, Microsoft SQL Server, Refactoring, Unit Testing, Concurrent Programming, Inversion of Control, SOLID Principles, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), T-SQL (Transact-SQL)

Freelance Software Engineer

2020 - 2021
Freelance Client
  • 使用c#开发了一个应用程序,可以处理多达100万个带有街道的点的空间数据集, buildings, and luminaires to calculate street illuminance. It optimized the set of luminaires to achieve the most energy-efficient lighting.
  • Modernized an existing full-stack web application using JavaScript, Django REST Framework, and PostgreSQL by adding and utilizing a new ASP.NET Core back end, which performed fast local lighting calculations.
  • 帮助客户恢复在Google App Engine和Google Compute Engine (GCE)中损坏的web应用.
  • 在GitHub Actions上建立了完整的CI/CD管道,具有自动发布和单元, integrational, and functional tests.
Technologies: C#, C#.NET, .NET, Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Matrix Algebra, ASP.NET Core, Back-end, Google Cloud, Google Cloud Console, Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine (GCE), GitHub, API Design, PostgreSQL, DXF, Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, E2E Testing, Dependency Injection, DI, Design Patterns, Console Apps, Web API, Web, xUnit, xUnit.net, Moq, Software Architecture, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), CI/CD Pipelines, Visual Studio, Test-driven Development (TDD), Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns, Concurrent Programming, SOLID Principles, Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

Senior Software Engineer

2012 - 2020
Wärtsilä Voyage (formerly Transas)
  • 设计并实现了基于海图数据的三维海底建模的科学密集型算法. 为了理解和使用c++实现建议的算法,我阅读了几十篇英文科学文章.
  • 为基于web的图表数据库管理内部系统创建前端, which handled more than 13,000 charts. I used JavaScript with Vue.js和TypeScript来构建一个有用的web应用程序,包括单元测试和集成测试.
  • 运用设计原理设计了地图数据二维编辑平台插件交互系统的体系结构, best practices, and C#. Five internal and external products were successfully built on that platform.
  • 2D制图数据编辑器中的工程功能,用于使用OpenGL对陆地物体进行交互式纹理映射, C++, and C#. Achieved acceleration of texture adjustment by an average of eight times.
  • 改进了Azure应用程序洞察遥测覆盖范围和结构,包括177个大型项目和复杂的ASP.NET based fleet management service back end.
  • Implemented diff and merge functionality for cartographic data, where objects could have changed properties and positions. 通过消除手动对象查找和比较,导航数据更新过程从几小时缩短到几分钟.
  • 创建了一个内部MVVM,类似于WPF框架,从对话框中删除了所有样板文件,并接管了应用取消操作, validation, and layout serialization. That dropped the amount of code by 3-5 times and made it more manageable.
  • 介绍了使用c#编写的复杂桌面应用程序的集成测试, C++, C++/CLI, and registration-free COM. 主要问题是在单线程单元中运行测试和编写自定义程序集激活上下文.
Technologies: SQL, .NET, Python, OpenGL, xUnit, TypeScript, JavaScript, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), C++/CLI, C++, C#, Azure Application Insights, Technical Leadership, Agile, Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, Visual Studio, RESTful Web Services, Agile Software Development, REST API Architecture, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns, Relational Databases, Refactoring, Unit Testing, Concurrent Programming, SOLID Principles, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Extreme Programming, COM, T-SQL (Transact-SQL)

Software Engineer

2011 - 2012
The State Financed Institution for Investment Management
  • 学习网络交互基础知识,使用c#和WCF将组织连接到部门间电子交互系统. It was a step towards creating e-government.
  • 探索一个复杂的业务流程,为组织的文档流系统开发一个电子图表模块. It helped nearly 50 employees during their jobs and decision-making process.
  • Worked on other features, suggested, and implemented UI/UX ideas.
Technologies: Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), C#, Visual Studio, RESTful Web Services, Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

IT Engineer | CNC Engineer

2007 - 2010
  • Set up domain and active directory in the corporative network.
  • 熟练操作数控冲床Muratec motor -2044 EZ, maintainer, and program writing engineer. Mentored newcomers on how to run it and make optimal programs.
  • 熟练使用其他数控机床,车床,折弯机,等离子切割机. 我的电子知识帮助修复弯曲机的PCB时,它停止允许持续生产.
Technologies: CAD, CNC, AutoCAD, SOLIDWORKS, Windows Server 2008

Algorithm of 3D Sea Bottom Modeling

我创建了基于海图数据的三维海底建模算法. 海图是导航数据的独特来源,因为它具有最好的海洋覆盖范围. However, 使用原始图表数据构建三角曲面几乎是无用的,因为图表已经简化了, only essential bathymetry data. Thus, the surface will have large, flat areas. So, I read a lot of scientific articles about surface interpolating methods, tested them, and picked the most suitable ones.

Another big problem was physical conflicts in the chart data. For example, one chart point can have three levels. To overcome this, 我开发了一种特殊的方法来解决冲突,并且不会与图表数据产生冲突.

Moreover, I added the self-testing mode to check and adjust the algorithm. My testing tool picked charts with different levels of detail in the same area, ran my algorithm on less detail, and then compared the results with a more detailed chart.

As a result, 我的算法可以将不同等深线的海图连接起来,从而创建一个无缝的海洋模型, which is used for automatic routing for ships. Also, it is helpful in oceanography, hydrology, fishing, and other applications.

Sample Web API Application

I developed an example of a fully functional web API with users, roles, authentication, integration with another API, and a lot of tests. I also set up a CI pipeline, which builds and runs all the tests, including the tests against the real database.

Using this application, users can create an account, log in, and store some food records to track sugar consumption. 如果用户没有提供糖量,应用程序将从营养数据提供商处获取. 此外,用户还可以访问API来检查他们当天吃了多少糖.

我制作这个教育项目是为了展示如何在不使用ASP等成熟技术的情况下构建自定义轻量级身份验证和授权.NET Core Identity以及如何将不同的东西集成到一个可靠的应用程序中.

Highly Efficient Interval Map

The interval map is a data structure that associates intervals of keys with values, where the key can be any comparable type with a defined lowest limit, and the value can be anything checkable for equality.

I developed an extremely efficient algorithm for assigning values; it uses only two relatively expensive O(log N) operations to find range bounds. It utilizes precise iterator arithmetic to locate all other positions.

在这种情况下,仔细测试这个算法以确保它正常工作是非常重要的. To accomplish that, 我使用了测试驱动开发和基于属性的测试,而不是基于示例的测试. 这意味着在执行操作后检查测试对象是否具有特定属性,而不是将结果数据与示例进行比较. 这种技术使得编写清晰、简洁的测试以涵盖所有可能的数据变化变得容易.
Finally, I successfully built a complex, efficient algorithm that works correctly.
2006 - 2011

Master's Degree in Industrial Power Distribution

Moscow Polytechnic University - Cheboxary, Russia

APRIL 2023 - APRIL 2026

AWS Solutions Architect Associate

Amazon Web Services


AWS Certified Developer Associate

Amazon Web Services


Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals



F# From the Ground Up



Vue, Web API, Moq,传单,LINQ, SendGrid API, SignalR, AutoMapper, OpenGL,实体框架


Visual Studio, xUnit, xUnit.net, Azure Application Insights, Postman, WireMock, AutoCAD, Jira, Git, CAD, SendGrid, Bitbucket, GitHub, Subversion (SVN), Jenkins, SOLIDWORKS, Google Cloud Console, Google Compute Engine (GCE)


.NET, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, NUnit, Json.NET, ASP.NET, Swagger, Cypress, Google Test


Concurrent Programming, E2E Testing, Unit Testing, Dependency Injection, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Refactoring, Design Patterns, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Testing, Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns, Agile Software Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), REST, Waterfall Development, Extreme Programming, Inversion of Control, REST API Architecture, Scrum, Microservices, Microservices Architecture, Agile, Functional Programming, Serverless Architecture, CNC Programming


C#, C#.NET, TypeScript, C++, SQL, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), XML, C++/CLI, Python, Python 3, JavaScript, CSS, F#, Assembler


Windows, Web, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Azure, Windows Server 2008, Docker, Google App Engine, Blockchain, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


Microsoft SQL Server, Relational Databases, JSON, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), Google Cloud, PostgreSQL


Software Architecture, APIs, Algorithms, Data Structures, Debugging, Design Principles, API Design, Back-end, SOLID Principles, Integration Testing, Console Apps, Architecture, CI/CD Pipelines, Geometry, Profiling, COM, DI, RESTful Web Services, Computational Geometry, Distributed Systems, Technical Leadership, Matrix Algebra, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), CNC, Containers, Containerization, DXF, Bitcoin, Public Speaking, Conference Speaking, Leadership, System Design, Decentralized Systems, Cloud, Cloud Computing, Serverless, Computational Physics, Power Electronics, Energy, Energy Monitoring, Digital Electronics, PCB Design, Physics, Science, Authorization, User Authentication, Property-based Testing

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