Maciej Paprocki, Developer in London, United Kingdom
Maciej is available for hire
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Maciej Paprocki

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

London, United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since
August 23, 2022

Maciej是一个具有数学和计算机科学背景的全栈开发人员. Throughout his career, 他领导过各种规模的技术团队,提供过从小型网站到每月服务5000万用户的应用程序的各种服务. He has supervised projects at all development stages, 从设计到架构和实现再到用户反馈. Maciej has developed close client relationships, helping scale their businesses, sometimes tenfold, with new technological solutions.


PHP, JavaScript, React, Node.js, WordPress, Symfony, Symfony 6, Webpack, Jest...
PHP, Node.js, React, Cloudflare, Web UI, Web UX
PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Symfony, Sylius, Symfony 4, Symfony 5, Symfony 6, SCSS...




Preferred Environment

PHP, Symfony, WordPress, React, JavaScript, Node.js, Back-end, Front-end, CakePHP

The most amazing...


Work Experience


2017 - PRESENT
  • 寻找客户并管理业务,包括合同、账单和付款.
  • Built over 20 websites using WordPress, Symfony, Sylius, MySQL, React, SCSS, and APIs, setting up automatic deployments and code quality tools.
  • 多年来与客户建立了密切的关系,并帮助他们扩大业务, sometimes tenfold, by providing new technological solutions.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, React, Node.js, WordPress, Symfony, Symfony 6, Webpack, Jest, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Vagrant, Trellis, SCSS, Docker, Terraform, Encore, PHPUnit, Optimization, MySQL, Kubernetes, Puppeteer, HTML5, jQuery, Vanilla JS, Git, GitHub, Amazon RDS, APIs, Web Hosting, Hosting, Mobile, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, eCommerce, Mobile Development, Startups, Scalability, Architecture, Planning, Agile, DevOps, Responsive Design, LAMP, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Tailwind CSS, Web Development, Full-stack, HTML, REST APIs, Subscriptions, Facebook API, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, PHP Performance, Redis, Local Hosting, Cloud, PHP 7, SQL, Unit Testing, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Zend Framework, Laminas, Full-stack Development, Team Leadership, Third-party APIs, Cron, Background Jobs, Back-end, Leadership, Google SEO, Front-end, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, CakePHP, Linux, Apache, Technical Architecture, CTO, Project Management, Cloud Architecture, ESLint, Google Tag Manager API, Python, Feasibility, Feasibility Studies, A/B Testing, Landing Pages, UI Development, Contentful, AWS Lambda, Webhooks, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Software Design, Technical Consulting, Software Implementation, Software Development Management, B2B, Engineering, Delivery Management, Engineering Management, People Management, Team Management, Agile Project Management, Software Troubleshooting, Project Scoping, Mentorship, CircleCI, Jenkins, Database Design, New Relic, Code Review, Estimations, API Integration, GraphQL, Lambda Functions, Excel 365, Product Management, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Cloudflare, Web UI, Web UX

Team Lead

2022 - 2022
  • 开发公司新绿地项目的前端.
  • 为现有项目添加了测试套装,包括单元测试和端到端测试.
  • 开发新的和改进的CI/CD管道,并将团队转移到主干开发.
Technologies: PHP, Node.js, React, Cloudflare, Web UI, Web UX

CTO and Lead Developer

2020 - 2022
  • 重新开发了一个旧网站,改进了它的用户体验和可靠性.
  • Built and managed a team of three back-end developers, a part-time DevOps programmer, a part-time designer, and a product owner.
  • 通过改进库存吸收和用户注册流程,实现了三倍大的库存获取.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Symfony, Sylius, Symfony 4, Symfony 5, Symfony 6, SCSS, Docker, Webpack, Encore, PHPUnit, Optimization, MySQL, Kubernetes, Jest, Puppeteer, HTML5, Vanilla JS, PayPal API, PayPal, Git, GitHub, Amazon RDS, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, APIs, Behat, Web Hosting, Hosting, Mobile, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, eCommerce, Mobile Development, Startups, Scalability, Architecture, Planning, Agile, DevOps, Responsive Design, LAMP, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Tailwind CSS, Web Development, Full-stack, HTML, REST APIs, Subscriptions, Facebook API, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, PHP Performance, Redis, Local Hosting, Cloud, PHP 7, SQL, Unit Testing, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Full-stack Development, Team Leadership, Third-party APIs, Cron, Background Jobs, Back-end, Leadership, Google SEO, Front-end, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Linux, Apache, Technical Architecture, CTO, Project Management, Cloud Architecture, ESLint, Google Tag Manager API, Python, Feasibility, Feasibility Studies, A/B Testing, Landing Pages, Django, UI Development, AWS Lambda, Webhooks, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Software Design, Technical Consulting, Software Implementation, Software Development Management, B2B, Engineering, Delivery Management, Engineering Management, People Management, Team Management, Agile Project Management, Software Troubleshooting, Project Scoping, Mentorship, CircleCI, Database Design, New Relic, Code Review, Estimations, API Integration, GraphQL, Lambda Functions, Product Management, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Cloudflare, Web UI, Web UX

Tech Lead

2019 - 2020
  • 为多个团队设计并实现事件驱动的体系结构.
  • Moved the development to Docker, Kubernetes, and Terraform.
  • Implemented testing tools and automated code quality checks.
  • 开发WordPress代理服务,大幅提高API可靠性和响应时间.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, React, Trellis, Ansible, Terraform, Symfony, Caching, Microservices, Docker, Cypress, Puppeteer, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Jest, SCSS, JavaScript, Webpack, PHPUnit, Optimization, MySQL, Kubernetes, Node.js, HTML5, jQuery, Vanilla JS, Git, GitHub, Amazon RDS, APIs, Web Hosting, Hosting, Mobile, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, eCommerce, Mobile Development, Startups, Scalability, Architecture, Planning, Agile, DevOps, Responsive Design, LAMP, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Next.js, TypeScript, Web Development, Full-stack, HTML, REST APIs, Facebook API, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, PHP Performance, Redis, Local Hosting, Cloud, PHP 7, SQL, Unit Testing, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Full-stack Development, Team Leadership, Third-party APIs, Cron, Background Jobs, Back-end, Leadership, Google SEO, Front-end, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Linux, Apache, Technical Architecture, Project Management, Cloud Architecture, Google Tag Manager API, Feasibility, Feasibility Studies, A/B Testing, Landing Pages, UI Development, AWS Lambda, Webhooks, Express.js, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Software Design, Technical Consulting, Software Implementation, Software Development Management, B2B, Engineering, Delivery Management, Engineering Management, People Management, Team Management, Agile Project Management, Software Troubleshooting, Project Scoping, Mentorship, CircleCI, Jenkins, Database Design, New Relic, Code Review, Estimations, API Integration, GraphQL, Lambda Functions, Finance, Product Management, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Cloudflare, Web UI, Web UX

Lead Back-end Developer

2017 - 2017
Shortlist/Stylist Magazines
  • 用PHP和WordPress构建一个API,并提供文档和前端库来使用这个API.
  • Created automation for code quality, testing, and deployment.
  • Implemented caching, prewarming, 和失效工具,以最小的响应时间为多个站点提供数千篇文章.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, APIs, React, SCSS, Docker, JavaScript, Webpack, PHPUnit, Optimization, MySQL, Jest, Node.js, HTML5, jQuery, Vanilla JS, Git, GitHub, Amazon RDS, Behat, Selenium, Web Hosting, Hosting, Mobile, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Mobile Development, Scalability, Architecture, Planning, Agile, DevOps, Responsive Design, LAMP, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Web Development, Full-stack, HTML, REST APIs, Subscriptions, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, PHP Performance, Redis, Local Hosting, Cloud, PHP 7, SQL, Unit Testing, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Full-stack Development, Team Leadership, Third-party APIs, Cron, Background Jobs, Back-end, Leadership, Google SEO, Front-end, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Linux, Apache, Project Management, Cloud Architecture, ESLint, Google Tag Manager API, Feasibility, Feasibility Studies, Landing Pages, UI Development, Webhooks, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Software Design, Technical Consulting, Software Development Management, B2B, Engineering, Delivery Management, Engineering Management, People Management, Team Management, Agile Project Management, Software Troubleshooting, Project Scoping, Mentorship, CircleCI, Jenkins, Database Design, New Relic, Code Review, Estimations, API Integration, GraphQL, Product Management, User Interface (UI), Cloudflare, Web UI, Web UX

Senior Developer

2014 - 2017
Bureau for Visual Affairs
  • 在Siteinspire, Httpsternet和传统媒体上获得了多个网站的提及.
  • 为亚历山大·麦昆:野蛮美容展开发了一个网站&A, which became the most visited exhibition in the UK.
  • 为最杰出的英国和国际艺术家和艺术组织开发网站, such as V&A, National Theatre, Alexander McQueen, Marc Quinn, Thames & Hudson, and Sharjah Art.
Technologies: PHP, WordPress, ExpressionEngine, JavaScript, React, Microservices, SCSS, Docker, Webpack, Optimization, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery, Vanilla JS, Git, GitHub, Amazon RDS, APIs, Selenium, Web Hosting, Hosting, Mobile, eCommerce, Mobile Development, Scalability, Architecture, DevOps, Responsive Design, Gatsby, Laravel, LAMP, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Web Development, Full-stack, HTML, REST APIs, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, PHP Performance, Redis, Local Hosting, Cloud, PHP 7, SQL, Unit Testing, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Zend Framework, Laminas, Full-stack Development, Third-party APIs, Cron, Background Jobs, Back-end, Leadership, Front-end, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4, Linux, Apache, Cloud Architecture, Google Tag Manager API, UI Development, WebGL, AWS Lambda, Webhooks, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Software Troubleshooting, Project Scoping, Jenkins, Database Design, New Relic, Estimations, API Integration, Cloudflare, Web UX

Hewi | Complete Redesign of an Old Website
A complete redevelopment of Hardlyeverwornit (Hewi), a Sylius/Symfony-based marketplace, using new technologies. 我开发了平台的前端和后端,并设计了最小可行产品的大部分功能. 后来,我建立并管理了一个内部团队来改进网站并开发新功能.

Vogue与Hewi |慈善合作网站与建筑
A charity collaboration between Vogue and Hewi, 其中包括世界上最知名模特的社交活动. I developed a SlimPHP-based bidding app. 由于项目的性质,时间非常有限,而且它必须具有高度的可扩展性. 我为设计提供咨询,并开发了网站和架构. The website was a large success. 它挺过了交通高峰,并为慈善机构筹集了大量资金.

发展文化之旅,一个基于wordpress的旅游建议网站. 我在开发期间带领WordPress团队,并为其他团队提供架构设计. Over my tenure, 通过将特定的WP职责转移给微服务,我们大大增加了后端响应时间. 我们还扩展了WordPress以支持基于事件的架构.

My team supported over 100 writers, 与内部支持和编辑团队密切合作,解决错误并改进发布流程. 与此同时,我们的应用每月通过多个渠道为5000万用户提供服务.

一个基于WordPress的多站点React应用程序,用于Stylist和Shortlist网站以及其他大型英国出版商的网站. I was the lead back-end developer on the project. 我提供了一些DevOps工作,并在React方面提供了帮助.

在我任职的四个月里,我们发布了四个不同的网站. 它们都有不同数量的定制,但都在一个后端和一个服务器上运行. We completed all the development on time, 从第一个月开始,网站统计数据明显好转.

Thames & Hudson | Back- and Front-end Web Development
A Magento 2 and WordPress website for Thames & Hudson, one of the world's largest art publishers. 我领导了后端开发,并开发了大部分前端.

Using Magento 2 for the transactional part, 我们为客户提供了一个良好的电子商务发展基础. On the other hand, 集成WordPress和高级自定义字段插件提供了比Magento工具更容易的内容编辑和更灵活的内容编辑.

Aquascutum | Custom Solutions for a Magento-based Website

Magento 1网站为最知名的英国时尚品牌之一. I was a tech lead on a project, 哪个站点通常是一个简单的事务性站点,需要很少的定制解决方案, including a localized Chinese UX and Weibo integration, custom stock management, order processing, and reporting integrations. 我还负责管理与其他品牌的高知名度合作的横向可扩展性.
2009 - 2011

Undergraduate Coursework in Mathematics

Adam Mickiewicz University - Poznan, Poland

2009 - 2011

Undergraduate Coursework in Computer Science

Adam Mickiewicz University - Poznan, Poland


React, Node.js, jQuery, WordPress API, WordPress REST API, REST APIs, Facebook API, Google Tag Manager API, Puppeteer, PayPal API, Stripe, WebGL


Cron, Google Analytics, CircleCI, Vagrant, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Git, GitHub, Apache, Ansible, Terraform, Webpack, Behat, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Jenkins


Symfony, Sylius, Symfony 6, Vanilla JS, Symfony 5,顺风CSS, Express.js, PHPUnit, Jest, Symfony 4, Laravel, Next.js, Cypress, Selenium, Zend Framework, CakePHP, Django


PHP, JavaScript, SCSS, CSS, PHP 7, TypeScript, HTML, SQL, HTML5, GraphQL, Java, Python


Microservices, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Hosting, Mobile Development, Agile, DevOps, Unit Testing, B2B, Agile Project Management, Database Design


WordPress, Mobile, LAMP, AWS Lambda, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Linux, New Relic, Kubernetes, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Magento 2, Magento 1, Contentful


Redis, MySQL

Industry Expertise

Project Management


Optimization, Caching, Local Hosting, Cloud, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, eCommerce, Scalability, Architecture, Responsive Design, Web Development, Full-stack, Subscriptions, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, PHP Performance, Full-stack Development, Team Leadership, Third-party APIs, Background Jobs, Back-end, Leadership, Google SEO, Front-end, Google Tag Manager, Technical Architecture, Cloud Architecture, Feasibility, Feasibility Studies, Landing Pages, UI Development, Webhooks, Software Design, Technical Consulting, Software Implementation, Software Troubleshooting, Project Scoping, Mentorship, Code Review, Estimations, API Integration, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Web UI, Web UX, Trellis, PayPal, Amazon RDS, APIs, ExpressionEngine, Web Hosting, Startups, Planning, Google Analytics 4, CTO, ESLint, Growth Strategy, A/B Testing, Software Development Management, Engineering, Delivery Management, Engineering Management, People Management, Team Management, Lambda Functions, Finance, Excel 365, Product Management, Cloudflare, Encore, Gatsby, Laminas

Collaboration That Works

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